BCS Bedford Branch AGM

DateWednesday 18 Sep 2013

19:30 for 19:30


Holt Room, St Andrews Church Centre, Kimbolton Road, Bedford. MK40 2PF. Cars may be parked in Kimbolton Road in front of the Church Centre and Church, or in St Edmond Road, or in Balmoral Avenue. Please only use one side of those side roads.

SpeakerBranch Committee

AGM Agenda

  • Apologies for Absence
  • Minutes of the 2010 Annual General Meeting
  • Chair's Report
  • Treasurer's Report
  • Other Officers Reports
  • Election of Committee
  • Any Other Business

Hays IT Market Overview
Lee Chant, Managing Director, Hays Information Technology

Lee Chant will discuss the much anticipated Hays Information Technology Market Overview and Salary Guide 2013.
This talk will contain in-depth market information and analysis of salaries for information technology and telecoms professionals and covers:

  • ERP
  • Development
  • Projects and change management
  • Leadership
  • Business intelligence
  • Testing
  • Security

The guide was compiled using data gathered by over 1,300 employers and employees over the past 12 months.

There is question and answer time after the talk.

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