More free ways to market your business

DateWednesday 02 Oct 2013

18:00 for 18:30


Bedford College Studio Theatre, Bedford, MK42 9AH

SpeakerStefan Drew, the man the BBC introduce as The Marketing Magician

This is a joint Bedford BCS, Bedford College and IET meeting.

We are very pleased to welcome Stefan Drew back to Bedford College to talk at the next joint British Computer Society (BCS) - Bedford College free evening lecture on Wednesday 2 October. This is part of the highly successful series of events held at Bedford College in partnership with the local branch of the BCS.

“More free ways to market your business” expands on Stefan Drew’s previous talk at our events, ‘”Online Business Marketing for the Non-Technical”.

At that event over 200 people heard Stefan, aka The Marketing Magician; demonstrate how simple digital marketing tools and techniques can be used to effectively market any business.

Since he was last at Bedford College Stefan has continued to run his successful consultancy and interim business. One role consisted of acting as (part time) Interim Head of Marketing for a business where, in the first eight months he cut all marketing that didn’t demonstrate a high return, replaced it with free digital marketing techniques ….. and saved over £180k.

In the next few months he cut the budget by 20% and saw the “sales” shoot up an amazing 31%.

Stefan is adamant that the techniques he used can be used by any business and will demonstrate many of these in his talk … plus a few more that he has perfected since.

But where do you start; and how can you be certain you are getting the right results?

Topics covered:

Three minute recap on ‘”Online Business Marketing for the Non-Technical”.

  • Where your next customer is coming from? Stefan will predict with 85% accuracy where your next customer is coming from.
  • Why most marketing is expensive…..and why most of it fails
  • The tools Stefan used to save £180k … and grow sales by 31%
  • The social media most people ignore
  • Sensory marketing
  • Multi-channel marketing
  • The questions customers and prospects ask … content
  • Plain English or Portuguese? Are you talking their language and appearing where they expect?
  • The simplest way to keep your customers (and prospects) coming back
  • Communication and Negotiation Skills
  • Advanced Thinking Strategies
  • Free and Low Cost marketing tools most people ignore (video, audio, EventBrite, curation tools, membership sites, LinkedIn etc.)

The BBC introduce Stefan Drew as The Marketing Magician and describe him as an authority on marketing … he has been interviewed on a huge range of business and marketing topics from Free Marketing, Does Advertising Work?, The Woolworths Closure, Interactive Advertising and The Power of Online PR to How to Improve Business Profits and the Closure of the Jessops Photographic Chain.

Stefan’s focus is on free marketing. He has helped hundreds of businesses grow whilst saving significant sums. What he does is simple and easy to follow. He maintains that 99.9% of businesses can use these simple, cost free marketing ideas … and will share them with you at this event.

So book now and ensure you discover how to market your business with no cost marketing techniques.

6.00pm Registration, refreshments and networking
6.30pm Introduction
“More free ways to market your business”
7.20pm Opportunity to question the speaker
7.45pm Thanks
Opportunity to network and talk to the speaker
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