Annual General Meeting 2009

DateTuesday 02 Jun 2009



CSA Lounge, Building 114 (Map:B4), Cranfield University Campus.

SpeakerBob Lincoln BCS Bedford

Branch Events

BCS depends on its Branches and Specialist Groups to raise awareness of IT issues, and to provide tangible benefits to members.

Over the last year, Bedford Branch events have covered a variety of topics, including Scenario Planning and High Performance Computing, the latter including a 3D Space Shuttle trip to the International Space Station, by courtesy of the Cranfield University Virtual Reality Suite.

In addition, we are working with the National Museum of Computing at Bletchley Park to match BCS members' collective memories of computing history to the hardware they have on display, and are planning a major joint event later in the year.


We have an enthusiastic Committee, but increasing pressure of work, and an impending overseas posting, makes it difficult for members to devote time to planning and organising events. So here is your opportunity to contribute to BCS and the IT Profession, while having the opportunity to work with the universities, schools and IT-related organisations in our area and beyond.

If you are interested, please get in touch. Our AGM is at Cranfield University next Tuesday, so come along if you can. Otherwise, please contact me, our Secretary, Dr Ip-Shing Fan, or any committee member.


  • Apologies for Absence
  • Minutes of the 2008 Annual General Meeting
  • Chair's Report
  • Treasurer's Report
  • Other Officers Reports
  • Election of Committee
  • Any Other Business

Copies of the last AGM Minutes and Officers' reports will be available at the AGM. To facilitate members that are unable to attend, the committee shall, on request, be pleased to forward copies of these documents.

Your Branch committee needs your support to continue in its work for all members. We urgently need new committee members to help us run our events as in previous years. We would be grateful for all nominations to join the committee using the forms included.

The previous year's committee can be found here.

All positions will be voted on, and are expected to be filled at this AGM from nominations received.

We would be grateful if you could make every effort to attend this important event in our calendar.

The exact location is CSA Lounge, Building 114 in the Cranfield campus. Directions and maps can be found here. Delegates can park on the technical site without prior arrangement.

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