The contribution of the EU's Joint research Centre (JRC) to protecting Europe's Environment

DateThursday 17 Nov 2005

19:30 - 21:30

SpeakerDr. Bob Jones, Principal Research Scientist, National Soil Resources Institute (NSRI) Cranfield University

NSRI Cranfield University, Silsoe


DG-JRC is one of 24 Directorates General of the European Commission providing scientific and technical support to the Commission's services, including the European Environment Agency. This presentation will summarise the history and current structure of the JRC. Research on protecting the environment is mainly the remit of the Institute for Environment and Sustainability, one of 7 Institutes that make up the JRC, which in total employs more than 2000 people coming from all countries of the Union. The European Soil Information System and some associated projects aimed at managing and protecting Europe's soil and land resources will be described.'


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Shane Barnes BSc, CEng, FBCS, CITP
Bedford Branch

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