Inspiring the young Mind

EEESTA (East of England Engineering Science and Technology Association) in conjunction with Samuel Whitbread Community College

DateWednesday 19 Oct 2005

Samuel Whitbread Community College, Shefford, Bedfordshire SG17 5QS


Samuel Whitbread Community College is one of only four Specialist Engineering Schools in the East of England! The College is in the process of developing its courses. This meeting provides a unique opportunity for you to influence these courses, to facilitate the school teaching the skills you believe need to be taught! This meeting also provides the opportunity for you to help the College achieve its objectives with these courses.

This forum continues the theme of exploring the needs and provision of engineering, science and technology skills within the East of England.

You are very welcome to not only attend the meeting yourself but also to bring along interested colleagues and organisations.

Can you please confirm your attendance and numbers to Philippa Wilding at Samuel Whitbread Community College either by e mail: or by phone 01462 628017

I look forward to meeting you at this exciting meeting.

Eric Candy
Chairman EEESTA


The proposed programme is as follows:

1800 1815 Refreshments
1815 1820 Welcome Roger Owen (Samuel Whitbread Community College)
1820 1822 Introduction Eric Candy (EEESTA)
1822 1850 Working Together - Philippa Wilding (Samuel Whitbread Community College), Caroline O'’Donnell (Setpoint Bedfordshire), John Davies (StNMC), Mark Noble (IBC)
1850 1910 Regional Science Centre, Hertford - Alison Redmore (Regional Science Centre)
1910 2000 Open Forum
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