Bedford BCS meeting on SFIA/CPD - Tues. Dec. 6th 2005

DateTuesday 06 Dec 2005


SpeakerMichael Wilson, Professional Development Manager, BCS

Michael Wilson will give a talk on SFIA (Skills for the Information Age) and it's relationship to Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and the Industry Structure Model (ISM)

SFIA is a high-level framework for mapping, measuring and developing information skills across the enterprise. It also links directly with detailed professional and occupational skills frameworks.

It is not the purpose of SFIA to replace existing frameworks. It offers a common language that draws on existing professional and occupational IS skills frameworks and the in-house models developed by world-class practitioner organisations


The meeting will be held in the training centre at INSYS Ltd in Ampthill, Bedfordshire (at location about half way between Bedford and Luton) and will start at 7.30pm.


Please advise if you will be attending (subject to confirmation), and provide your vehicle registration, for security purposes, to:

Bob Bethell
BCS Bedford Branch Secretary
+44 (0) 1525 843520
We look forward to seeing you there.

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