Cyber Physical Systems with application in IoT

BCS (Bedford)

DateMonday 08 Feb 2021

18:45 for 19:00-20:30


Online meeting - We'll send the connection details on your confirmation email, once you have booked.

SpeakerGeorge Yazigi, Digital Systems Architect and Manager - DARTeC, Cranfield University

The most valuable resource is no longer oil, but data. Data in the 21st century is like what oil used to be in the 18th century. Due to the exponential progress in Microelectronics, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Computational Intelligence and Communication Technology such as 4G, 5G, and 6G the world of digital transformation is now experiencing a giant leap!

Cyber-Physical Systems and IoT concepts, which once used to be more theoretical than practical are becoming mainstream, thus forming the main pillars of the 4th industrial revolution by blurring the boundaries between the physical, digital, and biological worlds!

Let’s have a deep dive into the Cyber-Physical Systems from an IoT perspective and experience a live simulation connecting IoT devices and interacting with a telemetry analytics platform.


Mr. George Yazigi is currently the Digital Systems Architect and Manager at the Digital Aviation Research Centre (DARTeC), Cranfield University.

He has more than 20 years of experience in software engineering, computer and data science, architecting and designing digital security systems and intelligent software platforms based on Big Data Analytics, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning.

18.45 Sign in – Welcome - Networking
19.00 Cyber Physical Systems with application in IoT – George Yazigi
19:50 Virtual Coffee/Tea break
19:55 Live IoT Experiment
20.15 Q & A and Networking


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