GDPR - One Year on

BCS (Bedford)

DateTuesday 14 May 2019

18:30 for 18:45-20:00


Tavistock Suite Bedford Centre Hotel by AccorHotels, 2 St Mary's Street, Bedford MK42 0AR)

SpeakerDr Mary Hawking, Ian Herbert, Dr John Lockley


Believe it or not, it's almost a year since GDPR (the EU's General Data Protection Regulations) came into force. What has gone well? What hasn't? What areas of confusion still remain? What traps still lie in wait to bite the unwary? Can we relax our vigilance, or are things about to get a whole lot tougher? This is the subject of our May meeting.

It will be led by Dr Mary Hawking, Ian Herbert and Dr John Lockley -- all three nationally- known -- who last year were instrumental in helping professionals understand the implications of GDPR for themselves, their organisations and their businesses.

18:30 Registration, refreshments and networking
19:00 GDPR - One Year on
20:00 Opportunity to network and talk to the speaker


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