High Performance Computing in Cranfield University

BCS (Bedford)

DateWednesday 21 Mar 2018

18:45 for 19:00 - 20:30


CSA Lounge, Building 115, Cranfield, Bedfordshire, MK43 0AL. Directions and Campus map C4/D4 (Free Parking around the building)

SpeakerDr Michael Knaggs, Research Computing Manager, Cranfield University

Cranfield University is transitioning to a new set of High Performance Computing assets as part of the update to the Research Computing Service capabilities. A new system "Delta" is commissioned for research users with 118 compute nodes and 120TB shared storage. Previous systems were re-configured as "Crescent" to support teaching, with a mix of 89 different computing nodes and a mix of storage nodes. This highly flexible resource supports work on a diverse range of applications in Engineering, Bioinformatics, Molecular Simulation, Machine Learning, Data Analysis and Software Development.

Dr Michael Knaggs, the Research Computing Manager, is to present on both these systems and conduct a tour of the facilities. Other Cranfield colleagues shall showcase some of the research work using the computing facilities.

The meeting shall be of interest to the general computing, engineering and scientific community, without specialist knowledge in High Performance Computing.

18:45 Registration, refreshments and networking
19:00 Introduction to Cranfield High Performance Computing
19:20 Parallel sessions:
Visit to HPC machine room
Scientific applications of HPC, including GIS, CFD, ...
20:15 Opportunity to network and talk to the speakers
20:30 Finish
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