Social Project Management - Go Social or Die

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DateTuesday 12 Apr 2016

18:00 for 18:30


The Park Inn Hotel, 2 St Mary's Street, Bedford MK42 0AR (Free parking at rear - inform hotel reception)

SpeakerJonnie Jensen

The use of social media for Project Managers is not just about being confident on LinkedIn and Yammer. The social web mixes communication, processes and data management into an accessible set of tools. These tools can make your next project more efficient, enjoyable and successful. The reality about not using them though is that your customers, industry talent and competitors all are. Business as usual will not secure your company’s future. In this talk Jonnie Jensen will explore what that means for you, future projects and the senior stakeholders in your organisation.


Photo Jonnie is founder of content marketing and social business agency Live And Social. His career has involved the internet, mobile and all things digital since 1999. This work helped him recognise that social media was going to transform the way we communicate and operate in business, as well as our personal lives. Live And Social was launched in 2007 to help B2B companies utilise social media across their entire business, raising their profile, generating leads and growing their business in the process.

6.00pm Registration, refreshments and networking
6.30pm Guest Speaker - Jonnie Jensen
7.20pm Opportunity to question the speaker
7.45pm Opportunity to network and talk to the speaker


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