Women in Computing – Breaking Myths and Broadening Horizons

DateWednesday 11 Feb 2015


SpeakerSee below

Room P107, University of Bedfordshire (Luton Campus), Park Square, Luton LU1 3JU


The University of Bedfordshire BCS Student Chapter invites you to an inspirational evening on Wednesday 11 February 2015 dedicated to female graduates, students and professionals looking for a career change who are interested in pursuing a career in the world of technology.

Hear first-hand from some of the industry’s technologists how they have excelled in their field and taken steps to address the gender imbalance in the industry. From networking to practical advice the evening will give you an insight into the spectrum of varied and rewarding opportunities open to anyone embarking on a career in IT.

Only 17% of IT professionals in the UK are women. According to research, while women achieve 57% of Bachelor degrees, just 12% of computer science degrees are awarded to women. Why is this happening?


Guest speakers include:

  • Elizabeth Sheldon, Co-Founder, Chief Executive Officer; Evidence Talks (ETL)
  • Katherine Brewster BA (Hons), Graduate Recruitment and Events Consultant, FDM Group
  • Madeleine Field, People Development Manager, FDM Group
  • Margaret Long FLPI, IT E-Learning Supervisor, Berwin Leighton Paisner LLP
  • Dr Ismini Vasileiou, Lecturer in Information Systems, University of Plymouth
  • Dr Herbert Daly, Senior Lecturer in Computer Science, University of Bedfordshire
5.00pm Introduction and welcome
5.15pm Elizabeth Sheldon
5.30pm Katherine Brewster
5.45pm Madeleine Field
6.00pm Margaret Long
6.15pm Dr Ismini Vasileiou
6.30pm Dr Herbert Daly
6.45pm Summing-Up
6.50pm Opportunity to network and talk to the speakers.

Everyone is welcome, and you are warmly invited to attend.


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