Mobile Apps

DateTuesday 22 Jan 2013

18:30 for 19:00


CRB 2/3 Chandos Road Building, University of Buckingham (Maps: Area, Campus)

SpeakerHarin Sellahewa University of Buckingham

This is a joint event by BCS Bedford branch, University of Buckingham and The North Bucks Branch of the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB).

An insight into the development of smartphone apps for business.

Mobile computing and the apps markeplaces have opened a new channel for communication. The new channel can be used to ‘get the message out’ for marketing, or maintain contact with staff and customers. We are fortunate that schools do not need to use their apps to tell parents about snow closures this year. Creating mobile apps can be very simple, or can be very complex. The University of Buckingham has been creating and teaching apps as part of their curriculum on a number of platforms. Some of the work is has been put into practical business uses

If you are interested in finding out how smartphone apps could help your business, or have any suggestions for what apps may be useful for your business, this event will be ideal for you.

Bring your requirements and suggestions on the day. It may be that your idea will be the next project undertaken by the University.

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