Hollywood Effect on Digital Forensics

DateThursday 28 Jun 2012

18:00 for 18:30


Studio Theatre, Bedford College, Cauldwell Street, Bedford MK42 9AH

SpeakerGeraint Williams Information Risk Consultant and Trainer, IT Governance Ltd., Honorary Visiting Fellow at the University of Bedfordshire

Continuing the programme of highly successful events held at Bedford College, there will be another joint British Computer Society (BCS) and Bedford College free evening lecture on Thursday 28 June 2012.

“Hollywood Effect on Digital Forensics” is the topic of a talk by Geraint Williams, Information Risk Consultant and Trainer, IT Governance Ltd., and Honorary Visiting Fellow at the University of Bedfordshire.

The success of forensics-based dramas like CSI, Numb3rs, and NCIS has ensured there is no shortage of applicants to study forensics. Hollywood and its public are enamoured by the apparently supernatural potency of the discipline. The ludicrous feats of deduction often scored by the stars of these shows have convinced many that modern forensics is fast-paced, glamorous work. The "CSI effect" has given the public and particularly some members of juries inflated expectations of computer forensic analysis. This talk looks at Hollywood and the TV interpretation of digital forensics and gives an insight into how it is really done.


Geraint Williams is an Information Risk Consultant and Trainer for IT Governance Ltd. and an Honorary Visiting Fellow at the University of Bedfordshire. Geraint is a knowledgeable and experienced Information Security consultant with experience including vulnerability testing, digital forensics, secure networking, and wireless security issues. Geraint has a strong technical knowledge of security and IT infrastructure including high performance computing. Geraint has a number of certifications in security and digital forensics including CISSP, CISA, CEH and CHFI.

6.00pm Registration, refreshments and networking
6.30pm Introduction - Hollywood Effect on Digital Forensics
7.20pm Opportunity to question the speaker
7.45pm Thanks
Opportunity to network and talk to the speaker
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