Integrated Vehicle Health Management Networking Evening (EEDA, BCS Bedford, IET)

DateThursday 16 Dec 2010

17:00 for 17:30


Cranfield IVHM Centre

SpeakerMick Adams Maintenance and Operations Director at Monarch Aircraft Engineering

Mick Adams, Maintenance and Operations Director at Monarch Aircraft Engineering will be presenting a keynote speech during the evening. Monarch is the first European 787 Dreamliner GoldCare partner. Mick will share his view on the impact of the new generation intelligent aircraft to MRO and Monarch’s preparations for the Dreamliner.

Cranfield University and The Boeing Company launched the Integrated Vehicle Health Management (IVHM) Centre in 2008. The increasingly important area of IVHM technology informs existing concepts of vehicle maintenance, repair and overhaul by offering a total health check for high-tech, high-value vehicles such as aircraft, ships, high-speed trains and high performance cars. Additionally it is expected that there will be significant opportunity for application of this technology in the energy and health sectors.

We welcome delegates from a range of businesses and sectors to join us for an evening of networking and discussion about this increasingly significant technology.

17:00 Welcome and refreshments
17:30 Keynote Speaker: Mick Adams, Monarch Aircraft Engineering
18:15 Networking and cheese and wine
19:30 Close

In addition, delegates may be interested in attending the MSc Integrated Vehicle Health Management Open Day, preceding this networking event.


Laura Johnson
IVHM Centre, Conway House
T: +44 (0)1234 758395

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