Digital Marketing - From Google Tools to Social Networking

DateThursday 21 Oct 2010

18:00 for 18:30


Bedford College Studio Theatre, Cauldwell Street, Bedford, MK42 9AH

SpeakerMark Cook, Search Marketing Director, Further. Jeremy Chatfield, iLab

The Internet is the fastest and most cost effective way of promoting your business, beating the competition and increasing profits through effective marketing. Nowadays, most businesses have their own website and it is hard to keep track of the actual numbers in such a dynamic environment. According to a recent Netcraft Web Server Survey (September, 2010), there are around 227,225,642 websites worldwide. Particularly in the current financial climate it is important to get the most out of the investment in your business website. The impact of effective SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) techniques and Paid Search (PPC) in driving the right kind of traffic in the right way to your site Is well recognised. Indeed, online advertising overtook TV sales for the first time in September 2009 with Google commanding 80% of this market – and with AdWords the dominant player in the Pay-Per-Click (PPC) arena delivering $13 billion in revenue for Google last year. However, an integrated approach encompassing a range of channels should be taken to developing your internet marketing strategy. According to a recent Nielsen survey, 90% of global online consumers trust recommendations from people they know. As a result, social media has emerged as a powerful channel for driving new customer acquisition and extending the reach of existing online marketing campaigns. If you are interested in learning about Google AdWords, pay-per-click strategies and search marketing essentials, or if you are not au fait with the potential impact of using Facebook, Twitter feeds, YouTube marketing, blogs or discussion forums in driving customers to your website, you should attend this meeting

6:30pm Introduction and Welcome
Benefits of BCS Membership
Dr. Ip-Shing Fan BSc PhD CEng MBCS MIET
6:40pm Search Marketing Essentials
Speaker: Jeremy Chatfield, Merjis, Bedford
Even with the rise of social media, search is still an enormous driver of online business. In this talk Jeremy will discuss free and paid search and the relationship of display advertising. Jeremy created his first website in 1994 and set up Merjis Ltd in 2004 to act as a premium web marketing agency, mostly for larger brands.
7:10pm Social Media Marketing
Speaker: Mark Cook, Search Marketing Director, Further, Norwich
An exciting journey exploring the nuts and bolts of online interaction and how it’s possible to use people-power to fuel your marketing campaigns.
Mark has 9 years experience in search marketing, setting up his own successful online businesses, before taking his experience agency-side and joining Further to set up the search marketing department where he has worked directly with blue-chip clients such as Expedia and Mazda. Further is one of the UK′s fastest-growing search and social media marketing agencies
7:40pm Opportunity to question the speakers
8:00pm Thanks
Opportunity to network and talk to the speakers
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