EEESTA event: "Waste Not, Want Not"

DateWednesday 11 Nov 2009



Weston Auditorium, De Havilland Campus, University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield.

SpeakerHugh Hoather BA(Hons) MBA CEnv CChem MRSC FCIWM, Paul Archer CIPFA CSS, Allan Barton CEng FIPlantE FSOE FIOD MCIWM EEESTA

The eleventh annual prestige seminar organised by the East of England Engineering Science & Technology Association (Herts and Beds Group) with support from many Professional Engineering Institutions and others will take place on the evening of Wednesday 11th November 2009. This free event is hosted by the University of Hertfordshire and will commence with refreshments and networking in an informal environment.

Waste and Recycling are words that we are encouraged to regard as synonymous. With legislation and financial pressure ways must be pursued to reduce the waste going to landfill. The seminar aims to point the way that engineering can achieve this end. Under the Chairmanship of Dr Alan Whitehead MP the three speakers will examine the problem and review the options at all stages of the process of creating, handling and disposing of waste.

An essential element of the prestige seminar is the final chaired discussion when the audience can put forward their views and questions to the speakers and debate some of the decisions ahead.

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