BCS Birmingham IT Security Conference

BCS Birmingham

DateTuesday 06 Jun 2006

Lakeside Conference Centre of Aston University, Birmingham


Speakers from HSBC, Cisco and QinetiQ are among the experts who will take to the stage at the 4th BCS Birmingham IT Security Conference on Tuesday 6th June.


Continuing its series of highly successful annual IT Security Conferences, the BCS Birmingham Branch is holding the fourth consecutive one day conference, SECON 2006, at the Lakeside Conference Centre of Aston University, Birmingham on 6th June 2006.

13 high profile speakers will be presenting on a variety of IT security related topics.

Keynote addresses will be given by Stephanie Daman - Head of Information Assurance, HSBC; Paul King - Senior Security Advisor, Cisco and David Lacey - Former Director - Security, Royal Mail.

The conference will be opened by Charles Hughes, President of the British Computer Society.

The sessions will once again be chaired by Col. John Doody, Director of Interlocutor Services and former Head of Information Assurance Customer Services, CESG.

The Conference is the must-attend event for organizations concerned about protecting and safeguarding their information and infrastructures.
In addition to the speakers' presentations there will be live demonstrations of current technology and exhibition stands.

Details of the conference can be seen at BCS Birmingham from which on-line bookings may be made.

Enquiries to enquiries@bcsbirmingham.com

Peter Hartill.
Treasurer and Conference Administrator,
BCS Birmingham Branch

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