IT reforms in the NHS

DateMonday 08 Nov 2004



Simon Whitbread House, Bedford Hospital, South Wing


A small team of our old friends and independent consultants, John Poulter, Mike Haynes and Roger Elvin are hoping to describe the reforms from the points of view of someone in the Department of Health, looking outwards, and the many NHS organisations in the field (Trusts, PCTs, Strategic Health Authorities) looking inwards.

They have been actively involved and employed in this arena both at the centre and at the 'sharp end', so should be able to talk authoritatively about the subject.

The meeting/training room is in 'Simon Whitbread House' in Bedford Hospital, South Wing. A plan of the hospital. 'Simon Whitbread House' is at the bottom of the map.

'Simon Whitbread House' is on the internal direction signs. Entry via the Kempston Road entrance, turn right by 'The Bistro', or, if coming from the Britannia Road entrance, carry on past 'The Bistro'. It is on the route to Cygnet Wing but, before you get turned away there, there is a covered way off to the left to 'Simon Whitbread House' (covered way not shown on map as it is brand new - the cover, that is). Once in the building, turn right and go to the end of the corridor and someone should be on the door to check people in.

Don't get confused with Whitbread Ward..........

Parking at Bedford Hospital is unfortunately not free, but the charge should be reasonable (I am led to believe in the region of £1.50-£2.00)

Friends, colleagues and partners are very welcome.
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