Blockchain / Crypto Currency

BCS (Bedford)

DateTuesday 31 Oct 2017

18:30 for 19:00


Tavistock Suite The Park Inn Hotel, 2 St Mary's Street, Bedford MK42 0AR. (Free Parking at the rear - Inform Hotel Reception)

SpeakerAnish Mohammed

Material from a recent presentation by Anish Mohammed on 14th Sept 2017:

Photo Currently, quantum computing is not yet at the stage that would allow for a real impact on cryptocurrencies or blockchains. It is possible that this could change within the next 3-5 years, as quantum computing breakthroughs create machines with greater processing capabilities. There are some quantum-proof algorithms, but they are not widely in use, as they are inefficient and are hard to send over long distances. Current security algorithms are based on problems that will be easily solved by quantum computers. As a result, security for a number of industries, including phones, bank accounts, browsers, crypto tokens, and more will have to change.

Effects of Quantum Computing on Cryptocurrency and Blockchain

18:30 Registration, refreshments and networking
19:00 Guest speaker - Anish Mohammed - Blockchain / Crypto Currency
19:45 Opportunity to network and talk to the speaker
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