Cyber Security - A McAfee Perspective

DateWednesday 17 Sep 2014

18:00 for 18:30


The Harpur Suite, Harpur Street, Bedford, MK40 1LE

SpeakerKeith Clement Drew B.Eng(Hons) CMI BCS Senior Manager, Encryption Products, Support Engineering Operations, McAfee.

We are delighted to welcome Keith Clement-Drew, Senior Manager, Encryption Products at McAfee to talk at the AGM of the Bedfordshire branch of the British Computer Society (BCS) on Wednesday, 17 September. This talk will be held at the Harpur Suite, Bedford and you are warmly invited to attend. The talk will start at 6.30pm followed by the AGM.

Keith’s talk will cover the following topics:

  • McAfee Research and Innovation
  • Global Threat intelligence
  • History of McAfee in Aylesbury
  • BCS / McAfee
  • McAfee in the Community and Teaching/Learning
  • Online Safety for Kids program (OSK)
  • Bletchley Park Cyber Security

Keith Clement-Drew has been in the IT Industry for 25 years since graduating from Warwick University. He has worked in Electronic Airport Security, Telecoms Security, and for the last 10 years, in Internet and Cyber Security. Going from a Field-based Engineer to a Senior Manager in a Global company, he has experience and empathy at most levels of the business.



time item
6.00pm Registration, refreshments and networking
6.30pm Welcome and introductions
Cyber Security - A McAfee Perspective
7.20pm Opportunity to question the speaker
7.30pm BCS Bedford branch AGM

AGM 2014:

  • Minutes of AGM 2013
  • Matters Arising
  • Chairman’s Report
  • Treasurer’s Report
  • Officer’s Report
  • Election of Committee
  • Any Other Business

There is FREE on-street parking after 6pm in designated areas close to the venue. Alternatively, FREE parking is available after 6pm in the Riverside, Greyfriars and St. Peters Street surface car parks.

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